
Too much energy to be harnessed

It is just a small observation or idea about the electromagnetic energy around us. It started from a thought, just a simple thought that how many people can see a pen kr a face or a ball  at one time. Take this example. You are sitting in a lecture hall and the teacher writes tbe alphabet ' A ' on tbe blackboard using a chalk. Now if there are 100 students sitting in the hall all if tbem are able to see the alphabet 'A'. Now there are two thi gs to consider  1. The colour of the alphabet on blackboard is due to the absorption of some wavelengths of  light falling in it and the reflection if other wavelengths. For example leaves appear green due to absorption of blue light by chlorophyll and reflection of other wavelengths. 2. The number if students that see the alphabet is hundred. Now replace the students with just heads lying one over other. Also the heads see it through their eyes ie the light entering the pupil.  So there are 200 pupils (of eye) that see the alphabe